Kerberos availability (Re: NIS)

Dan Riley (
Wed, 19 Apr 95 10:54:30 -0400

der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU> writes:
> The kerberos implementation is not exportable

There is the "bones" version of Kerberos version 4, which has the
encryption routines and all the encryption calls stripped out.  This
is exportable, and I believe the work of combining the bones version
with a non-US implementation of DES has been done (at least once).

> and I've never heard of an exportable spec being available and thus
> code potentially redeveloped somewhere in the civilized part of the
> world.

For Kerberos version 5, see RFC1510.

Dan Riley                          Internet:
Wilson Lab, Cornell University     HEPNET/SPAN: lns598::dsr (44630::dsr)
	      "Distance means nothing/To me." -Kate Bush